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Roughhousing, Fine Art
Oil on Archival, Museum Quality, Canvas Panel 18 x 24
Original studio oil painting seascape of waves pounding the rocks at Windansea beach, La Jolla, California. I love these rocks and I go down and paint them whenever I get the chance. It was fun to spend a little more time with the subject in the studio.

Fine Art (Oil Painting)    18 x 24 x 1    $1,200.00   

<p>Growing up, Brian Belfield quickly learned to love the outdoors, hiking and camping in the mountains, deserts, and beaches of California. Those beautiful scenes always remain etched in his memory.<br><br>Inspired by the astounding drawings of a childhood friend, Brian began to create his own work and pursued art throughout school. He ultimately earned a B.A. in illustration at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. <br><br>While art school gave Brian a broad academic understanding of the fundamentals and exposed him to a wide spectrum of ideas, it was only by going out into nature, time and again, and applying those fundamentals to the canvas that he really learned to paint.<br><br>Returning to San Diego, Brian's paintings depict the places he loved as a child. Each represents a specific time and place, painted impressionistically with emphasis on the real rather than the ideal. They typically feature harmonious color and a strong value structure. He finds himself intrigued by: the great volumes of shadow created by sea cliffs, the chaos and complexity of a sycamore tree, and the incessant motion of ocean waves.<br><br>Brian Belfield is a signature member of the American Impressionist Society and Oil Painters of America</p>